Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Romanticism and Naturalism

Which is more meaningful to us in 2012: romanticism or naturalism?  Defend your choice in detail and at length using examples from inside and outside of the AP classroom.

2011-12 Redbadge Bloggers (Start Here)

Assignment #1:  Thoroughly discuss the question asked in the blog and provide textual support when appropriate.

Assignment #2:  Share your thoughts on another student’s comment as they relate to the question that was asked.  Add to the discussion: play devil’s advocate, point out additional textual support, explain why you agree, or disagree with another student’s thoughts. 

Directions:  Your posts should be thoughtful and through.  Avoid knee-jerk reactions that are purely based on emotion.   Take your time to think.  I want to see you thinking about the novel, the characters in the novel, or the issues presented in the novel.  You will be graded on the content of your post along with spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

As always, the content of your writing must be school appropriate.  As the creator of the blog, I moderate all comments on the blog, and determine whether or not a comment is posted. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Final Post

Potential themes from The Red Badge of Courage
1. the nature and meaning of courage
2. initiation into manhood
3. the meaninglessness of war
4. the nature of fear
5. the loss of individuality
6. the indifference of nature

Post two quotations from the novel that relate to one of the above themes.  Include the page number of the quotation, a summary of the quotation, and explain how the quotations relate to the theme you have chosen to illustrate.  Also include an analysis of any rhetorical devices the author has used in the quotation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Mind of One Man

Discuss the various mental phases of the youth in terms of his experiences?  Provide quotations to support your thinking.  What is the purpose of Crane's close analysis of the mind of one man?

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Hero-Myth Cycle

Vogler's discussion of the Hero's Journey and the 12 stages as it relates to the movie The Matrix.  In 1985 Vogler wrote a 7 page memo to Disney excutives summarizing Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a 1000 Faces.  In the memo Vogler tells excutives to look for these 12 stages when critiquing a script and when determining whether or not to produce a script.
Describe the stages of the hero-myth cycle in a modern day film.  Discuss the hero-myth cycle using the six terms from the hero-myth handout.  Finally, what is Henry's "call to adventure" in "Red Badge?" 


Discuss the youth's reactions during the battle, while providing direct quotations to support your discussion. Why does he flee?  Why does he feel self-pity? 

Nature had gone Tranquilly

Discuss the philosophy in the last paragraph of chapter 5.  What characteristics of realism do we see in this paragraph?