Monday, January 24, 2011

Nature had gone Tranquilly

Discuss the philosophy in the last paragraph of chapter 5.  What characteristics of realism do we see in this paragraph? 


  1. Austin G.
    In this paragraph we see that Nature is paying know attention to what is really going on. Nature follows what it wants to do and does not change to any other circumstances. The type of characteristics of realism we see in this paragraph is an emphasis placed on scenic presentation. Even though there is a brutal battle going on the scene of where the battle takes place is beautiful with the sun shining bright. This shows that there is an objection to the omniscient point of view where war is seen as being devilish while nature remains calm and beautiful.

  2. Haley L
    In this paragraph you see different points of realism. He talks about how the sun has gone gold with it’s tranquilly process. They use the color gold to represent the wisdom that sun has figuratively. Nature isn’t going along with what is happening with the battle. While the battle is sad and pitiful; while nature is perfect and oblivious.

  3. Jason Phelps
    So this young soldier fled from battle. He saw people shot and killed, people wounded from battle, and in short a lot of bloodshed. As he got further away from the battle he noticed how nature is as peaceful and beautiful as can be despite all the fighting and killing going on not to far away. This displays realism in the fact of the people are dealing with their own situations and nature not caring even the littlest bit because it has nothing to do with it. The characters are the most important part of this book and it is displayed by how the author decribes nature being nature.

  4. Bree R.
    I agree with Austin, Haley, and Jason. The author does use a very realist view towards the entire situation. He tells about how beautiful the nature is despite all the war that is going on within it. It shows that nature is very oblivious to what is going on within it, nature will do what nature does, regardless of anything else. This is also like when he sees the squirrel and he throws the pine cone at it, the squirrel runs away because it feels threatened, and Henry uses the squirrels reaction to justify his own running away. What he doesn't take into consideration is that the squirrel wasn't fighting a war, he was just minding his own when he felf attacked, and reacted out of pure instinct, the squirrel didn't care if he was thought of as a coward after he fled, unlike Henry.

  5. Tyler C.
    In this paragraph, realism begins to set in. There are many signs in nature described in this paragraph, that represents realism. The sun is one key symbol. The text says that nature, and the sun in specific "had gone tranquility on with her golden process" (506). The Golden color represents wiseness, as the clear blue sky represents pureness. These symbols of nature represent the tranquility of realism.

  6. Spencer

    The realism I see in this paragraph has to do with his truthfulness in the report given of the situation and aslo the symbolism such as "blue, pure sky", "sun gleaming", and " her golden process"; but what I really see here is naturalism. The battle is between men, and nature is indifferent to them, much like we see in the past Steven Crane novels we have read. He really likes to show nature for itself and mankind for itself but in the same picture. It also shows an average guy in an extream situation (he just ran away from a war). But then again some consider Naturalism an "extension of realism". In my opinion, I believe he is doing this to create a parallel between good and evil. If there wasn't a battle would he have noticed the beauty in nature? Much like if there wasn't a battle would someone be noticed for there heroic acts?

  7. Tim M.
    This paragraph shows realism ideas like nature does not change for the surrounding actions. To nature the battle that is going on means nothing, it won’t start raining or the clouds cover the sun because a bloody battle is raging not to far away. Nature stays beautiful and unchanging. This is a prime example of realism in this paragraph. Too nature nothing is happening to force it change into something different.
