Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2011-12 Redbadge Bloggers (Start Here)

Assignment #1:  Thoroughly discuss the question asked in the blog and provide textual support when appropriate.

Assignment #2:  Share your thoughts on another student’s comment as they relate to the question that was asked.  Add to the discussion: play devil’s advocate, point out additional textual support, explain why you agree, or disagree with another student’s thoughts. 

Directions:  Your posts should be thoughtful and through.  Avoid knee-jerk reactions that are purely based on emotion.   Take your time to think.  I want to see you thinking about the novel, the characters in the novel, or the issues presented in the novel.  You will be graded on the content of your post along with spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

As always, the content of your writing must be school appropriate.  As the creator of the blog, I moderate all comments on the blog, and determine whether or not a comment is posted. 


  1. -Calese C.
    I believe that both Romanticism and Naturalism are used a lot now a days but I guess it just depends on what you are talking about and what your personal views and morals are. For example, if you are more so on the religious side then you would probably lean more so on the Romanticism side. If you believed that any form of faith is bad for you then you would probably be more-so on the Naturalism side. Every day you see these ideas expressed in various ways such as the books that we read in class. You can see many Naturalistic views in the current book that we are reading, The Red Badge of Courage.The book is about an average man that experiences the cruelness of nature for himself and describes it as such in great deal. A book that exemplifies Romanticism would be The Scarlet Letter. The story is based upon religious morals that one woman had broken and the scarlet letter that she wore on her chest represented her sin. All in all Romanticism and Naturalism are used on a day to day basis even though they are on both sides of the spectrum. Romanticism beliefs includes that a piece of God is in everyone and in writings, the use of symbols become important (such as the A in The Scarlet Letter).Naturalism is mainly a realistic view on life. Its stories usually focus on the average person and incorporates natures role in their daily life and existence (which usually exemplifies how violent and cruel nature such as in The Red Badge of Courage). Naturalism and Romanticism in my views are used about the same. It just depends on the persons morals that deciphers if they believe in Naturalism or Romanticism.

  2. Kelli K.
    In today’s modern world with technology and the rapid pace of our culture, naturalism has become more important than romanticism to most individuals. With little time and patience to find the answers for ourselves, within nature, we find ourselves looking more towards the scientific answer than the religious aspect of it. Science gives us the fast answer that one person can find and we don’t have to do anything to find it for ourselves. Most individuals have become dependent on others to do the work that they find too difficult for themselves to do, and within doing that, they conform to everything and everyone that is around them. We also see the world as a giant coincidence, that nothing happens for a reason and nothing is predetermined for our lives. Just like in Stephen Crane’s Open Boat, the commentator comes to the realization that nature does not care about him or the other passengers due to the continuation of the rough seas and no signs of salvation. But once the passengers make it to shore, a member of the crew had passed away due to drowning. Nature had not saved the passenger after putting him through the endless torment described by the narrator. Nature does not see the needs of every living object on the planet to find a way to mend all the problems. Though it is nice to believe that everything happens for a reason, not all situations allow you to do that.

  3. Timauntay J.
    In today’s modern world neither naturalism nor romanticism are more meaningful than one another. This is so because with today’s up to date technology, we strive for what is best, for what we want and think is going to happen based on a number of reasons, whether because of myths or scientific findings. Which is romanticism, the ideals, the freedoms, individualism. A lot of times we hope for things and ‘foretell’ things based on ideas and individual senses, rather than looking at nature. But we also use naturalism, in and out of the classroom, for example, “the destruction of the world; 2012,” we had seen the human race and other species as merely insignificant to the world and the natural laws of the world. We also use naturalism for other things, such as natural events; we see them as natural not man made or caused by man. Nature will continue to flow and go about its way with or without man, for man is insignificant. In developing technologies we technically consider both romanticism and naturalism, because we depend on ideas to come up with them, but we look at the world and nature and the natural occurrences to know exactly how something is going to work, where we could possibly use something, and how it would affect its surroundings for the better or worse. We use individualism to strive for the best, to strive for what is new in helping both the world and our race, we use these freedoms combined with the natural ways of naturalism to derive our ideas and natural rights.

    1. MiKaella W.
      I agree with Timauntay that in a way naturalism and romanticism are both equal because neither is more important than the other. I did believe different but changed my mind and can see the point of view that he is coming from. It is very true that in today's society, everyone wants the best and newest thing out there. Newer and more advanced technologies are coming out more and more, each day it's a new thing. All of these new technologies are what people crave and are becoming addicted to. People, mostly kids rarely take the time to go outside and just enjoy the fresh air and all the things that are going on around them, they are more focused on what society wants and thinks. Many people these days do not even like to consider another ones opinions or ideas about subjects. People are to concerned about themselves and about what society thinks to even consider ideas related to naturalism. Society these days thinks that we are the most important thing in this world and that we can do what ever we want and that things will not change, but in all reality we are insignificant and if nature truly wanted to, it could kill us all and we would not be able to do anything about it. Be are just a small factor in the world. We should start acting like it and respecting it more and not be so ignorant.
