Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Romanticism and Naturalism

Which is more meaningful to us in 2012: romanticism or naturalism?  Defend your choice in detail and at length using examples from inside and outside of the AP classroom.

2011-12 Redbadge Bloggers (Start Here)

Assignment #1:  Thoroughly discuss the question asked in the blog and provide textual support when appropriate.

Assignment #2:  Share your thoughts on another student’s comment as they relate to the question that was asked.  Add to the discussion: play devil’s advocate, point out additional textual support, explain why you agree, or disagree with another student’s thoughts. 

Directions:  Your posts should be thoughtful and through.  Avoid knee-jerk reactions that are purely based on emotion.   Take your time to think.  I want to see you thinking about the novel, the characters in the novel, or the issues presented in the novel.  You will be graded on the content of your post along with spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

As always, the content of your writing must be school appropriate.  As the creator of the blog, I moderate all comments on the blog, and determine whether or not a comment is posted.